Monday, November 14, 2005

First post , last chance

First blog , last chance - I'm Greg
I'm 29 6'2 black, fun educated and without making this sound like a dating profile - good fun to be around ( at least in my opinion)
This morning I found it hard getting out of bed.
I really should have this down by now - I'm nearly 30
Does that qualify as a condition? I really hope so. I wish it was a condition you have to learn to live with, thats always there.
Then I could have a blog about how complex I am, and how and why my varient dysnfunction affects my life, how im struggling a little with it day by day, I'll even submit picture of myself , artfully shot in black and white, with the light just catching my face as I look into the distance, I'll have an enigmatic smile and the eyes will belie a touch of the pain of existence, that is elusive yet deeply resonates with everyone ...take you all on a journey you know..... but er, nope.
I got a decent job, Fully functioning family, decent health, a car , lots of friends but yet......
Everything is not quite right, I feel like a person who'se won the holiday on the gameshow but wanted the car.
Everything is great but......... I'm still finding it hard to get out of bed!


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