
I spent some time wondering if blogs were just an ego centric waste of time.
This kinda came up after a party I was at somewhere in courtfield gardens in london city. Some girl asked me what my vibe was and I told her to read my blog.
I thought about this later and I felt stupid. When I refer people to my writings instead of telling them face to face, something must be wrong. I could take this to the extreme and let the writings become my reason for everything, I could just document my whole life into this beast and no one will ever have to talk to me again.
"How are you doing Greg"
"Read my blog"
"er ... are you alright?"
"Read my blog"
"Greg?! Whats happening to you?!?"
"Read my ....."
Is that the purpose? Well, no! Its just that there was so much to tell her, about the christians, my mum, tibet, bode, minty, energy , mum , dad.
Whats my vibe?
My vibe is a whole packet of jelly beans stuffed in your mouth at once.
Plato talked about human existence being like those stuck in a cave , [I've just realised how pretentious this sounds but please bear with me] that the human experience were mere shadows cast onto a wall and that people are unable to turn thier heads and see the truth.
Greg = Substance
Blog = Shadow
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