When I was in college , I was a bit of a freak
(a close friend swears that the first day he met me I was eating pages out of the bible)
I used to wear a cossak hat, listen to hendrix, was born again christian - heavily influenced by the buddha of suburbia I was also heavily into moutain biking.
I hung out with a similar freak called Mark Telepnef.
He introduced me to weird world of biking spirituality , guru of which was minty
Mark believed that if you were speeding down a hill or around a blind corner, music blaring and everything feeling right in your mind and body, theres no need to stop.
Typical day: hang out at Marks house with his jumble of animals listening to music - then when it was late enough and the traffic started to die down. We'd don walkmans and go out riding dodging between traffic , hopping curbs, jumping lights until we got to a friends house, kebab shop - whatever - those were good times - and I was superfit!
After woeing to Mark on my singledom (ever tried to get a date as a born again, with a passion for computers and hendrix?),
Mark told me one day
"The perfect woman for you may be alive, or dead - she may have existed in another life or world - but she loves you with all her heart."
Hence I decided to love before love, to believe before I'd seen.
I decided to commit myself to that special someone who loved me with all her heart.
Problem was I didnt know who she was.
However , I what I did know was that her name would be Elektra.
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