Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I used to think that there could only be so much happiness in the world.
That is, the humour (or the ratio of Unhappiness to Happiness) of the world was a constant lets call it G.
That happiness and unhappiness are directly proportional.
That they had to increase with respect to each other in order to maintain G, the delicate balancer of universal good feeling.
G = H / U;
G can be any number i guess (depends on your disposition).
The point is it never changes, if H goes up then U must go up to maintain the same number ratio.

For example, if you are having a really good time - something somewhere must suffer as a result.
Or for example you are at a closure meeting , someone somewhere is at carnival.
Now I know thats bullshit. I think the equation is more like
G = H - F
G is the total happiness in the world
H is the total happiness in the average people of the world
F is total grief all the unlucky fuckers born into blighted lives.


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