Who watches the watchmen

Have you ever wondered how it is that organisations like the cia and m15 can be prosecuted?
I mean, imagine you are the secret police - how the hell can you allow some dweeb to question you actions, let alone take you to court for violating human rights. You violate human rights every day before lunch at work, you control the judicial system. You tap phones , violate privacy. Smuggle Arms. Assassinate "troublemakers". Princess' are murdered at your hand. Wars are started with you're involvement. How the hell is it that you can be taken to court by Joe Bloggs. Why do you need to declassify documents after 60 years? Why does the same law which applies to "them" also need to apply to you?
The answer is simple:- The social engineering network called civilisation begins to break if there are too many dissadents. Everyone must be subject to the system, otherwise the system would cease to exist.
Anyone who operates outside of the system is potentially viral, they could influence others and create a paradigmn of interaction outside the scope of the design.
Everyone is accountable to everyone.
Q:Who watches the watchmen?
A: Everyone is a watchman watching for people that arent watchmen.
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