Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Making Energy

A thought struck me on the way home today. I was thinking about the greatest moments in my life. Some of the best times that I've had. I remember when I bought my first flat, I remember chilling in Cote d'Ivoire by a glacial river opposite hippos, I remember being smuggled into Tibet, I remember leaving a school of Chinese Children, sleeping under a sandune in the sahara, standing up on a surfboard, falling in love with a girl called Jo, chilling under the sun. The truth is that not all of my most memorable experiences have been high drama - but they have all had one thing in common - high emotional energy. It almost as if I was completely caught up in the romance of the situaion as it happened as opposed to in retro spect. Its the feeling of love that makes an event special, its recognisiing theres no place that you'd rather be right now. Perceiving this love is the secret to being happy, and the secret to percieving love is being romantic. Being nice - sharing that part that you reserve for those close to you -with everyone. Sharing your heart with the world.
Step in and Act *
Steal my body home. **


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