Monday, April 10, 2006

Anti Climax Monday

Pretty uneventful, spent some time looking for property, some time talking crap with my current girlfriend and sometime in pc world. I spent 17.99 on a cable that didnt work and that I couldnt take back so I was/am a bit annoyed at that.
This morning I woke up at 6am, realised how early it was and promptly went back to sleep.
I woke up late and had to rush to get in for 10am, its around this time that i thought i may be late for my time-management course scheduled for . o O ( some time this week at 9.30). Recognising the cruel irony and humilation that would be enacted upon my person should i turn up late to a time management course - I started my week by hurtling down the streets of Mayfair, passed the newspaper sellers, straight passed Benjys, a hard right at the corner of the road next to the mayfair hotel with its gargoyles, hard left at Sainsburys.
I'm hearing snippets of conversation as i dash passed various people
"Yah Harry, the markets there...."
".....thanks, now if you cou...."
My macintosh coat swishing behind me like batman, a constant stream of 'Sorry's and 'Excuse Me's coming out of my mouth as I pushed passed the inflated egos of the Mayfair Set with thier tonic'd hair and clippity cloppity shoes.
. o O (If they're SO important, what are they doing at work?)
Then into work, I checked my diary. Not till next week.
Mental note - must manage time better. Perhaps I dont need to attend, being booked on is motivation enough!


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