Nerd Muscle

The nerd muscle can be found on in the area above the right eyebrow (see above). The relative size and strength of the nerd muscle corresponds directly with the will to 'geek off' in seclusion to the exception of lots more wholesome activites.
My nerd muscle is getting slack, I think its due to wholesome activities such as getting fit for 30, and refusal to eat any more Haribo. I've neglected reading about the latest hardware and software developments and have given only minimal time to cracking wireless encryption.
I havent read the latest RFC specifications, and horror of horrors I'm spending time with my girlfriend, my student copy of MATLAB remains in its box!. This all amounts to a rather slack nerd muscle with some wastage.
Fear not, this morning , (weird morning that it was) I felt for the first time since this blog started. The urge to wake up and program/read/hack I think my nerd muscle has been reactivated by a combination of sleep deprevation and excessive sunshine.
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