Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The best programmer in the world

I love interviews!
I've been looking for a new job and the whole interview process has raised my intensity (I feel I need to discuss this - but later ).
I'm twice as intense twice as productive and life seems a lot more exciting when I'm managing way more than I should be dealing with.
Anyway I went for a job in Luton (I know - I know , I needed the practise) for a Senior Web/Architect Developer thing.
It was for a Finnish Consultancy called TientoEnator (pronounced tee - en - toe - en - ah - ta). Part of the interview process was to complete a technical assignment.
It arrives in my inbox , my agent is dead casual - she tells me to do a good job on it.
They gave me three days. I took it easy on the first two , then worked like a saint on the third. I didnt sleep that night, I was heavy coding.
Each time I solved a sub-problem, the assignment revealed more subtleties that aluded me. Half way through the night, I could recite all of the equations for velocity at time t given a constant rate of acceleration with respect to any variable, my skin developed a semi-mucuosal layer due a combination of sweat and pizza grease, my lips had the texture of a toffee apple - hard and crispy on the outside, with a gooey sticky spit mixture in the corners (due to incesant mutterings to myself). It was 7 o'clock in the morning when I finished. The sky was that weird inbetween disorientating blue that i'm familiar with when stepping out of a club.
I emailed in my submission; before going to work then decided to put my head down for 5 minutes.
I slept for 5 hours!
* * * *
The interview is somewhere in a industrial estate
At the interview the guy points out a couple of things wrong with my code, I'm like well yeah, I guess I could have ironed those out given more time ( a bath, a unemployed status, etc ). He's unimpressed.
I asked him where he found the test from. He says casually that he pulled it from the web.
Later, after recieving news of a rejection, they scored me about (7/10) , I search for the source of the assignment.
I find it after 10 minutes.

1995 ACM World Scholastic Programming Contest Finals sponsored by Microsoft ®
I'm dazed and the same thought keeps echoing in my mind :
"They want the best programmer in the world....."
"......They want the best programmer in the world move to an industrial estate in Luton"


I'm in Berkley Square
I've had no sleep cus I've been fiddling with my new PC , Pentium 805 Processor
Word on the street is that is overclocks like a beast ( I dont think Dell quite realise yet, dont worry they soon will)
So I'm so sleep deprived that I feel like I'm floating.
I see that dude, you know the homeless guy with the dog , sitting under the folly in the centre of the square, I think most people tell him to fuck off away from the corporate buildings during the day. And I'm looking at him and staring and thinking, you poor fucker, think how much of his life he's wasting watching each day go by , like that , what a friggin waste. He gives me a dirty look and I look away quickly.
While my eyes are diverted I notice a leaf falling from one of the venerables oak trees that shroud the square. I cant help noticing that its got the colour of the perfect piece of toast (slightly overbuttered mind). It falls in slow motion; I stop to watch it fall. It spins a little I notice that at the corners is the colour of a juicy granny smith apple. From my floaty perspective it falls in slow motion and the city drone dulls in my minds ear, I'm thinking , well what the fuck have I achieved, how much have I wasted my life, behind my desk dicking around with computers. How much better to be out here , watching , breathing , feeling, doing fuck all, alone with your thoughts. The leaf lands with a plop. I look up and continue walking. My attention drifts to lunch, my last thought on the subject is 'he's noble, and his path isnt easy, but I like my knackers to be warm and cosy at night'. The Alsatian raised an eyebrow.