The best programmer in the world

I love interviews!
I've been looking for a new job and the whole interview process has raised my intensity (I feel I need to discuss this - but later ).
I'm twice as intense twice as productive and life seems a lot more exciting when I'm managing way more than I should be dealing with.
Anyway I went for a job in Luton (I know - I know , I needed the practise) for a Senior Web/Architect Developer thing.
It was for a Finnish Consultancy called TientoEnator (pronounced tee - en - toe - en - ah - ta). Part of the interview process was to complete a technical assignment.
It arrives in my inbox , my agent is dead casual - she tells me to do a good job on it.
They gave me three days. I took it easy on the first two , then worked like a saint on the third. I didnt sleep that night, I was heavy coding.
Each time I solved a sub-problem, the assignment revealed more subtleties that aluded me. Half way through the night, I could recite all of the equations for velocity at time t given a constant rate of acceleration with respect to any variable, my skin developed a semi-mucuosal layer due a combination of sweat and pizza grease, my lips had the texture of a toffee apple - hard and crispy on the outside, with a gooey sticky spit mixture in the corners (due to incesant mutterings to myself). It was 7 o'clock in the morning when I finished. The sky was that weird inbetween disorientating blue that i'm familiar with when stepping out of a club.
I emailed in my submission; before going to work then decided to put my head down for 5 minutes.
I slept for 5 hours!
* * * *
The interview is somewhere in a industrial estate
At the interview the guy points out a couple of things wrong with my code, I'm like well yeah, I guess I could have ironed those out given more time ( a bath, a unemployed status, etc ). He's unimpressed.
I asked him where he found the test from. He says casually that he pulled it from the web.
Later, after recieving news of a rejection, they scored me about (7/10) , I search for the source of the assignment.
I find it after 10 minutes.
1995 ACM World Scholastic Programming Contest Finals sponsored by Microsoft ®
I'm dazed and the same thought keeps echoing in my mind :
"They want the best programmer in the world....."
"......They want the best programmer in the world move to an industrial estate in Luton"