Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Today I admit , everythings not right with the world. I have a friend somewhere in the middle east trying to do her best for human rights abuses in Palestine. I wrote her a poem before she left. We'd been getting close, ever since she showed up at my party one time in Brixton I knew I wanted her. We got quite close, in fact we almost had a relationship but I screwed it up. I don't regret doing it, I am just thankful that I managed to leave 'the hateful place', but it is a shame. I dont think she even wants to be friends. She invited me to her leaving do, I turned up with Press my drinking buddy, and I remember we stood by the bar like drunken demons looking for trouble. She hardly spoke to me, when I approached her, her (twin?) sister told me - ' that R@*@ has moved on' and something to the effect that she doesnt need my kind of hassle.
So I drank with Press and Danced, the night became a whirl of music and heat.
Stumbling out of the club in the morning the sky was that muted blue it gets just before the sun rises. The very same colour of her skirt ,I caught a glimpse of it as she dashed to a (car, taxi?) to catch her plane. That was the last time I saw her before she went to Ramalla. I don't know if she's back. She doesnt answer my calls.
Fair enough, I just hopes she makes a difference.
So I drank with Press and Danced, the night became a whirl of music and heat.
Stumbling out of the club in the morning the sky was that muted blue it gets just before the sun rises. The very same colour of her skirt ,I caught a glimpse of it as she dashed to a (car, taxi?) to catch her plane. That was the last time I saw her before she went to Ramalla. I don't know if she's back. She doesnt answer my calls.
Fair enough, I just hopes she makes a difference.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Anti Climax Monday

Pretty uneventful, spent some time looking for property, some time talking crap with my current girlfriend and sometime in pc world. I spent 17.99 on a cable that didnt work and that I couldnt take back so I was/am a bit annoyed at that.
This morning I woke up at 6am, realised how early it was and promptly went back to sleep.
I woke up late and had to rush to get in for 10am, its around this time that i thought i may be late for my time-management course scheduled for . o O ( some time this week at 9.30). Recognising the cruel irony and humilation that would be enacted upon my person should i turn up late to a time management course - I started my week by hurtling down the streets of Mayfair, passed the newspaper sellers, straight passed Benjys, a hard right at the corner of the road next to the mayfair hotel with its gargoyles, hard left at Sainsburys.
I'm hearing snippets of conversation as i dash passed various people
"Yah Harry, the markets there...."
".....thanks, now if you cou...."
My macintosh coat swishing behind me like batman, a constant stream of 'Sorry's and 'Excuse Me's coming out of my mouth as I pushed passed the inflated egos of the Mayfair Set with thier tonic'd hair and clippity cloppity shoes.
. o O (If they're SO important, what are they doing at work?)
Then into work, I checked my diary. Not till next week.
Mental note - must manage time better. Perhaps I dont need to attend, being booked on is motivation enough!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Understanding Orione

The language of Orion is Orione ( pron: or-REE-oh-n ) is composed only of notes.
This has two consequences.
The meaning is never explicitly stated.
The meaning must be felt rather than interpreted.
Knowing the problems that humans had with communication, the elders decided to establish a more natural form of communication on Orion after the exodus.
The purpose of Orione is to express thier current emotional state in the present environment.
In Orione you dont take turns to speak, you sing concurrently.
The grammar of Orione is strict that you must be concordant (within melody harmony) of the first to sing.
The purpose is to effect each others feelings with the music you make.
The music of Orionae (Or-REE-oh-nay) in conversation can have very many participants.
When the input to the conversation by all participants produces the same feeling , or a satisfactory feeling , the being experiencing satisfaction is allowed to leave the conversation gently.
Summoning Elektra

Heres the poem : I wrote when I was 17 that caused her to visit.
Its written in part Sirenian/Orione (thats the music part , cus you see these people dont have word sounds, only notes)
Today I landed on Orion
Its a strange world
the people have no language
only music they excude
this crystal dialect
enforces harmony
notes become words
as phrase becomes melody
Today I met Elektra
Of Orinone detachment in every sense
but today she sang to me
I think I felt what she meant
(... um its at this point that the language becomes orione, I'll insert a link to an mp3 so that this poem can be read properly)
What the Born again Christians Told Me

They told me I was going to hell.
They told me that my family was going to hell.
They told me that my friends were going to hell.
They told me that the devil hates me and wants to destroy me to hurt God.
They told me that God loves me, but if I dont fix up he'll send me to hell.
They told me that when I had sex outside of marriage I was hurting God.
They told me that any friends that are not Christians may help turn me away from God.
They told me that Jimi's Music was demonically inspiried.
They told me that I should give money to the church.
They told me that the universe is full of angels and demons (I actually still believe this).
They told me that If God I were close, I could put my hands on people and God could heal people through me. ( I actually tried this once with a homeless alcoholic and it didnt work so I stopped eating regularly for a week and praying lots cus I thought, God and I werent getting along)
They told me that speaking in tongues was your soul talking to God.
They told me that God likes it when I don't eat for him (fasting).
They told me that God likes it when you give the church money.