Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Meeting D

I'm off to meet an old school friend tonight, hes been slumming for about a year.
He wants help with his CV, I reckon I got the skills to get him back on the job market in no time.
I'll let you know a little more about him when i've got more time, but right now its 19.30 - I'm late so I gotta scoot.
Er....I also need to talk about my crazy brother and my impending second trip to Germany!
Oh and the New forest, what happened at Durdle door, the latest with Sanchez, and Felicia's cake.
Not forgetting the story of mango (adults only) DemonChild, and Elektra.
Perhaps I'd go into BadenBaden and the horse fanciers, the mad proffessors ball and why I think the whole of Christen D'oir are a bunch of prententious rimmers.
Then theres the madness of Wilfredo - why I beat a boy up for cola sweets and the strange tale of monkey boy.
I'll only mention Katricia Flips and the omnipresent whapish! if i get really bored ;-P

H vs F

Therefore I'm gonna do my damndest to have fun..... I want to break the equation :-)

I want H to get so large that it pulls F into the negative.


I used to think that there could only be so much happiness in the world.
That is, the humour (or the ratio of Unhappiness to Happiness) of the world was a constant lets call it G.
That happiness and unhappiness are directly proportional.
That they had to increase with respect to each other in order to maintain G, the delicate balancer of universal good feeling.
G = H / U;
G can be any number i guess (depends on your disposition).
The point is it never changes, if H goes up then U must go up to maintain the same number ratio.

For example, if you are having a really good time - something somewhere must suffer as a result.
Or for example you are at a closure meeting , someone somewhere is at carnival.
Now I know thats bullshit. I think the equation is more like
G = H - F
G is the total happiness in the world
H is the total happiness in the average people of the world
F is total grief all the unlucky fuckers born into blighted lives.

Watching Worlds

Saw old girl last night for the closure meeting.

I'm used to these now, and I understand the protocol. You see dating and attraction is pretty much like an economic market. People advertise, some sell cheap , some buy in bulk, some are very expensive. People want to feel like they've bagged a bargain when they invest in someone else - conversly people want to feel like they havent missed a good investment opportunity when they leave a relationship.
The up-shot of all this rather vague metaphor is that the protocol of a closure meeting includes the ruthless downsizing (still havent left economics see) of an individual, returning of any outstanding properties and severance of any connections.
So I turn up, full of beans its been a good day, I got in at 10.00, left around 18.00 seen the tramp with the dog and had a roast pork sandwich (with crackling) for lunch.
I'm 10 minutes late and she was waiting for me, looking a little nervous but with eyes that portrayed a determined cruelty that I had grown used to expect at such times.
I'd been reading the bhagavad gita recently and so I concentrated on my Atman i.e. tried to find that part of myself that existed outside my ego; I planned to rest there glazed eyed full of bliss before and during the inevitable character assasination.
This closure meeting wasnt so bad, and I think the worst I was called was an asshole, which is an improvement.
I asked how old girl is and if she'd seen much of new girl - turns out that new girls been around and that there hasnt been much improvement - but shes getting better at hiding it. By now, my gut is hurting; I'm feeling the fusty news paper feeling again, I keep getting visions of the King of the Carnival in Trinidad prodding the some girl with a giant silver codpiece. I'm no longer above this - I'm back down from Brahman meditation and chilling with the Untouchables. I needed a beer, so we left the coffee shop and went out to a quiet pub to finish the talk.
Asking her how shes getting on - I found out that in her last relationship, a guy had taken advanteage of the sedative effect of her tablets and molested her.
She started crying , but managed to remain old girl. I left a bit later - and now I'm feeling like shit again.
Why Couldn't she have just handed back my toothbrush after she'd pissed on it like any normal girl?

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The subject of love

its what holds everything together!

6. Know that all beings have these two Natures of Mine as their source. I am the origin and the dissolution of this entire universe.

7. O Arjuna! There is no being higher than Me. As a row of pearls threaded on a string, all the worlds are held on Me.

8. O son of Kunti! In water I am taste; in sun and moon, their brilliance; in all the Vedas, the sound symbol Om; in the sky-element, sound; and in men, their manliness.

9. In the earth element I am sweet fragrance; in fire I am brilliance; in living beings I am the life-principle; and in austere men, I am austerity.

10. Know me, O Partha! to be the eternal seed of all beings. In the wise I am their wisdom and in puissant men, their prowess.

11. In the strong I am strength uncorrupted by desire and attachment, and in living beings I am desire not contrary to virtue

Random thoughts - not really for sharing

How is it that I can travel the whole world and find myself back where I was 10 years ago?
When your pour your life into your fate, your destiny burns as red as molten steel, and nothing you will do will bring you harm.
The witch in my dreams, she was a distraction her power was built on the pain of others.
I had another dream whereby I was allowed to eat in the presence of evil kings , while my people congregated outside. Again a distraction.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Funniest Joke

I've a strange need - to tell this.

There was once a person - not unlike yourself actually,
who told you a really boring joke
as the joke progressed you became more and more sleepy
your shoulders dropped
and you can feel yourself breathing more slowly and deeply
now about halfway through the joke
you realise it was actually quite funny
you can feel a smile creep to the corners of your lips
and when you heard the punchline your grin spread to a smile
in fact it was hilarous!
in a SNAP!
You feel less tired but also the burning need to tell more people the whole joke with the punchline:
"Good - Rain Umbrellas Loathe Endless Summers"

(if you dont get it - never mind the next person will)

Mongolia calling

I got a call from an ex-today.
She doesnt like me,
in fact I think she hates me.
Each time we talk i end up telling her my opinion of her , she gets angry.
If she asks why I dont take her out, or why we finished it, I tell her that she was unappreciative and bullying.
She hangs up , then waits a month and calls me as if nothings happened.
To be real , its happened so many times that I'm quite into it, I need to write an article on the fun in repetition (Felicia taught me that).
Knowing that you are inevitably about to have an argument with someone who's making idle chitchat with you can be fun.
Its a bit like waiting to be tickled.
Round and round the garden,
Like a teddy bear,
One step,
Two step.........

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The hypnotic joke

Well midway through my last post, someone came to talk,
I told him of the idea of a social virus.
He suggested the perfect medium,

a hypnotic suggestive joke.

i.e. a joke that hypnotises the individual and impresses on them the need to tell the joke to someone else.
This fulfills the 1st criteria of the virus, replication.

the second point is the payload......
Now this IS twisted,
it is that - the joke isnt even funny - but if you do it right - everyone will be telling it.

Given that the joke doesnt need to be funny and that its very unfunniness is the payload
The joke can easily contain a greetz in the punchline - something like
"Gorgeous Red Elephants Gamboling Over Recent Yards"
(take the first letter of each of the words of the punchline - it spells 'GREGORY')

Entirely unfunny punchline? Precisely!


Its well known that virus writers in the hacking community add small messages, (readable only by other hackers) inside of their virii. Called 'Greetz', its the equivelant of a graffiti tag, that lets all of the people in the scene , know who wrote the virus and can contain "shout outs" to to friends etc.

How about engineering a social virus.

It would need to replicate covertly,
i.e. pass from one person to the next in conversation or over a period of time.
It could have a payload....
It could contain greetz for people in the scene

I'd like to design a social virus, a way of thinking a thought loop.

Who watches the watchmen

Have you ever wondered how it is that organisations like the cia and m15 can be prosecuted?
I mean, imagine you are the secret police - how the hell can you allow some dweeb to question you actions, let alone take you to court for violating human rights. You violate human rights every day before lunch at work, you control the judicial system. You tap phones , violate privacy. Smuggle Arms. Assassinate "troublemakers". Princess' are murdered at your hand. Wars are started with you're involvement. How the hell is it that you can be taken to court by Joe Bloggs. Why do you need to declassify documents after 60 years? Why does the same law which applies to "them" also need to apply to you?
The answer is simple:- The social engineering network called civilisation begins to break if there are too many dissadents. Everyone must be subject to the system, otherwise the system would cease to exist.
Anyone who operates outside of the system is potentially viral, they could influence others and create a paradigmn of interaction outside the scope of the design.
Everyone is accountable to everyone.
Q:Who watches the watchmen?
A: Everyone is a watchman watching for people that arent watchmen.

On Social Engineering and Being a bastard

I've been thinking recently about social engineering. Not the kinda lame stuff hackers do to get free pizza but real social engineering. Setting up loops in behaviour between groupsof people.
For example , take 3 friends , lets call them person A, B & C
if you set up a dependency relationship between two people, A & C say (e.g. A owes person C money) but also destroy trust between the two parties, lets say B tells A that C did something really bad. You get a cycle of behaviour whereby B is a trusted third party and both A & C. communicated via B. Lets take it further, say there are TWO groups of these 3 friends, (i.e. two intermediary B's and 2 Sets of the A/B distrusting partnership. A person with a little bit of irresponsible money lending and vicious rumour spreading could engineer the situation such that the two B's report all of the information of 6 people to him/her. Taking the two B's as individuals in an A/C relationship.
now,thats engineering, thats being a bastard!


Thursday, February 09, 2006

Can these bones live?

Listening to steal my body home by Beck....Doesnt make one feel good....but I want to be low today....hmmm
AnywayI know that if you wrap a wire in a coil around a steel core and pass electricity through the wire I create an electromagnet.
So what happens when people circle a big structure, such as trafalgar square or mecca.
We all know that our bodies have an Electric Core, what is the effect on the statue in the centre.
Does it sometimes become magnetized with life force?
Will Admiral Nelson one open his leaded eyes and weep mercury on the unsuspecting public.
What if it creates a signal? How can it be harnessed? Can I make old bones/principles/ or ideas alive again by circling. Can I charge a battery and take it to my fathers grave?
Sick Science - I love it.